Five december is for most of the children in Holland the best day of the year. Then St. Nicolas is in town. Also known as a "Sinterklaas". He comes each year with the Steamboat from Spain. This children's party is a very old tradition in The Netherlands. The traditions are, singing Sinterklaas-songs; put your shoes by the fireplace to receive gifts; wearing Sinterklaas-clothing; delicacies, like marzipan and cookies of gingerbread; entry of Sinterklaas; parcels-evening. Parcels-evening was today. At home nobody believes anymore in Sinterklaas, but we still celebrate it. We give surprises to each other with a poem. We write the names from the whole family on little papers and everybody have to take a paper. For those who you've taken you should buy a gift, make a surprise and write a poem. This year I took Jochem that is my little brother. The poem and the gift were easy. Only the surprise was difficult to make. But I had figured out something. He plays very often the computer game "Minecraft", everything is square and you can build your own things, private and online. On Google I had found enough information to form a picture of the game, I started. I used cardboard and cut this in pieces, to display this in 3D. When everything was cutted and paste, I gave it a finishing touch by painting. I put my creation it on the gift, and I was finished. Happy "Sinterklaas" everybody!