
The beginning of a long addiction.

I thought if I'am not so busy with school, I can do something fun in my time.
So I bought a lot of gray wool and go create a long scarf!



Long ago I made this painting. He's very strange, but special.


How to made a lucky paper star?

Start with a slip of paper about 1 by 20 long. 
I've chosen the color black, but you can also us other colors of funny patterns!

Fold the slip on your finger as this image is displayed.

Now you've a kind of ribbon.

Now fold the shortest piece of the ribbon in the loop.

Push gently the short piece flat. Now you have a kind of pentagon. 
Just make sure that all sides are the same.

Fold the remaining small piece to the back. 
Now is it the long piece what remains.

Expand the long piece to the pentagon. Please note that you still in a different direction expand, else fails it. And also, make sure that you preserve the shape of the pentagon.

Fold it till a small piece remains.

Put the remaining piece in the pentagon. Put it completely, so the shape remains the same. 
If it doesn't fit, then cut a small piece off.

Hold the pentagon now stuck with your left hand between your fingers.

You push with your other hand gently with your fingernail on the flat parts of the pentagon 
(so NOT on the pointy places).

If you have pressed all flat parts, hopefully you see that there is a star. Well done!


And also a jar for myself

I couldn't stop, so I've also made a jar full of lucky paper stars for myself.


Handmade present for my best friend

My friend and I have not seen each other for a while, but today I've meet her.
For the new year I would like to give her all the luck with this jar full of handmade lucky paper stars.