
Best wishes for 2013

I made a small box full of good wishes for the new year. All my friends and family may take one wish with the tweezer. Happy New Year!



Since my 9th birthday I write every experience in a diary. Sometimes I skip a while. But now, after seven years, I've written six diaries. I really like to write, so I start the New Year with a new diary!


My father is creative too

I've told you about celebrating Sinterklaas. With making surprises to each other. This year my father took me. He made The Tree of Wisdom. In the tree hang hundred little profundities. Every day I may take a little paper. I realy like the tree and he has a beautiful place in my bedroom. I didn't know that my father was so creative!

Celebrating St.Nicolas

Five december is for most of the children in Holland the best day of the year. Then St. Nicolas is in town. Also known as a "Sinterklaas". He comes each year with the Steamboat from Spain. This children's party is a very old tradition in The Netherlands. The traditions are, singing Sinterklaas-songs; put your shoes by the fireplace to receive gifts; wearing Sinterklaas-clothing; delicacies, like marzipan and cookies of gingerbread; entry of Sinterklaas; parcels-evening. Parcels-evening was today. At home nobody believes anymore in Sinterklaas, but we still celebrate it. We give surprises to each other with a poem. We write the names from the whole family on little papers and everybody have to take a paper. For those who you've taken you should buy a gift, make a surprise and write a poem. This year I took Jochem that is my little brother. The poem and the gift were easy. Only the surprise was difficult to make. But I had figured out something. He plays very often the computer game "Minecraft", everything is square and you can build your own things, private and online. On Google I had found enough information to form a picture of the game, I started. I used cardboard and cut this in pieces, to display this in 3D. When everything was cutted and paste, I gave it a finishing touch by painting. I put my creation it on the gift, and I was finished. Happy "Sinterklaas" everybody!